Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nice lunch run with Brenda

Today I went out for a 4 mile loop around the Charles river. It was perfect running conditions. We left the Broad Institute and walked for a quarter of a mile and then ran for 3.5 miles finishing with another quarter mile cool down walk. I didn't sleep well last night and have been a little stressed so I think it was a slow run, but I always feel better when I finish.

A colleague ended my day with a very funny story. He decided to wear an old pair of very nice dress shoes to work. He hadn't used the shoes for 10 years. Early in the day he noticed a lot of black dirt marks on his file cabinet. Upon further investigation he noticed many pieces of rubber on the floor. He took one look at the bottom of his shoes and they were disintegrating. By the end of the day most of the sole of his shoes had fallen off. He showed me huge pieces that he had picked up off the floor. He has offered the shoes to me to wear when I run Boston. He thinks they will provide me with a fast time now that they weigh almost nothing. I hope he makes it home before they completely fall apart...............

1 comment:

  1. Hysterical! This sounds like something that would happen to me...
