Sunday, March 28, 2010


Yesterday I started my long run out of BC. We ran the course backwards out for 10-11 miles and then the plan was to turn around and head back up the hills. I started out with fellow DMFC teammate Kathy. We we cruising along and I felt good. A little slow but no worries. We hit the water stops and fueled up. I felt OK, my energy level was good so I decided to go 6 minutes beyond 10 to turn around. That would give me 21 miles. My legs were very tight but I knew it would be mostly downhill. I headed back to the pit stop and decided to changed my plan to 4 minutes running one minute walking to see if the tightness would pass. It didn't. With each mile it got worse. I managed to get to mile 14 and was looking for our coach. He wasn't at that water stop. I was feeling really uncomfortable but I didn't think I would do any damage so I would try for three more miles. Going down hill was bad and the pain in my butt traveled down to the back of my leg. By the time we crossed 128 and headed to the next water stop I knew that it wasn't passing, it was getting worse with each mile. No coach at the next water stop so I asked the kind volunteer to drive me back to BC. I had gone about 16 to 17 miles I bailed on my run.....I feel defeated but anxious to fix what is wrong so I'll be ready on April 19th. Should I try for 20 this week? Should I ice or use heat.....any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

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