Well, it was a very crazy week. A flooded basement, search for a pump and getting my required training in. I managed all of it and I'd have to give myself an A for effort. While the basement clean-up continues, my training was decent. I didn't log the required miles in running, but due to the fantastic weather, I got out with Carolann for 2 three mile walks along the river and a 7 mile run which Anita joined in for the last 3 miles. With the time change, I could do 2 runs after work. I reached a total of 41 miles this week. Yesterday's long run of 18 miles was picture perfect. The weather was warm and my body really responded. I ran in 3 hours and 40 minutes. I had 2 bathroom breaks and hung out at 6 of the waters stops to refuel.
AmyJo, who has run for
DF many times was with me on the first six and then at 9 I ran with Debbie, a first timer to the finish. Each time I train on the
Hearbreak Hills, I feel they are less intimidating. My recovery went better than expected (must have been the protein
smoothly I treated myself to after the long run) and later in the day I could walk down the stairs with out too much discomfort. I'm looking forward to my 20 mile run next Saturday instead of dreading it. I now feel confident that I won't let you all down and I'll be able to cross the finish line on
Boylston come April 19