Manami did great with her surgery and is doing wonderful with her recovery. She is home and following her doctor's advice. Everyday she gets out for a walk. She has done 9 miles in total since she has come home and is averaging 2.5 to 3.5 miles a day. Walking is clearly helping her recovery. Thank you for your wishes for a speedy recovery....clearly they are working.
With only 6 days to go, I am pleased to say that even with injuries, I'm going to give it my best shot and run on Monday. My piriformis muscle is still strained and tightens up my hamstring on long runs, but I think I will be able to run with the pain on Marathon Monday. I won't be breaking any records, but I'm hopeful to finish.
I'd like to thank the following people who have donated to the Claudia Barrs Program at Dana Farber: Carolann Buchanan, Jan DeFelice, fellow teammate, Doug Hart, Cara Hafferty, and Angela Florentino. Your support with this endeavour has been a blessing.